Digital Radiology & Ultrasound

Digital Radiology & Ultrasound

Digital Radiology & Ultrasound

Our pets can’t tell us where it hurts, and they’re often very good at masking signs of pain, injury, or illness. This is why fast, accurate diagnostic tools are essential! Boyer Capstone is proud to offer both high-quality digital pet radiology and ultrasound services in-house.

Digital Pet Radiology

Digital pet radiology (aka X-rays) is faster and safer than traditional film. They offer crisper, more detailed images that are available immediately and can be shared quickly with other facilities if needed. Bonus: there’s no film to process, which also makes digital X-rays more eco-friendly! 

X-rays can be instrumental in detecting fractures, foreign bodies, tumors, and the evaluation of the heart and lung fields. It can also be used in the later stages of pregnancy. 


Ultrasound creates real-time, moving images of your pet’s internal organs and structures. It works by broadcasting high-frequency sound waves that reflect off your pet’s internal structures, and a small probe held against the skin collects the returning signals to create an image. It’s commonly used for a more extensive and detailed evaluation of abdominal organs like the stomach, kidneys, liver, spleen, and gallbladder. An ultrasound can be essential in diagnosing intestinal foreign bodies or tumors. An echocardiogram, or ultrasound of the heart, provides precise information about heart valves, blood flow, chamber size, and contractions.

Depending on the circumstances, the best imaging options for your pet could be X-rays, ultrasound, or both. Radiology and ultrasound are often used together to provide the most complete and diagnostic imagery of your pet possible. 

In some cases (orthopedic X-rays in particular), sedation may be required for X-rays or ultrasounds to obtain the needed images. If you have any questions about our imaging services, please call us at (405) 794-8504